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Blackmail! Action, reaction, transaction! english

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Blackmail! Action, reaction, transaction! english
von LadyDemona (33)
You are unbelievable, incomprehensible, incomprehensibly STUPID. How did you get such a crazy idea that your dirtiest secrets are safe with a femdom? It’s just too easy! Are you so easy to manipulate or do I seem so trusting? I told you right at the beginning that collecting information is not my hobby, it is my business. Warning pointless, you just chatter on it, tell me that you are married and like to fuck young women! That wasn’t your first mistake, the first mistake was to come to my chat, because in my chat I am God and you poor pig make my confession! Bad luck! I know more about you, I even know which friend you use as an alibi for your fuck derailment! Now it’s up to you! You can pay the hush money now, or I make sure that your Ehefotze puts you in front of the door this evening, and be sure, I can exaggerate excessively, which in your case I don’t even have to, because you have it on yourself Taken to the top!

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Kategorien: Lack/Latex/Leder
Länge: 06:22
Video hochgeladen am: 12.07.2021

Blackmail! Action, reaction, transaction! english

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PA Strips For Law Fund

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PA Strips For Law Fund
von SophiaSmithUK (35)
Apologies for the intrusion into your hotel room, but we’ve been on so many business trips that it doesn’t seem that important. I’ve been thinking. The wages I’m paid doesn’t really cut it if I want to excel in life… and that’s where you come in. You remember I mentioned wanting to earn a law degree? The thing is, they’re so expensive. So I was wondering if you could write me a company cheque to fund this law degree. No? Well, I was prepared for that reaction. I think I have something that might persuade you. You don’t mind if I take off my coat, do you? I know you’re reluctant to write that cheque because you don’t want me to leave, so I’ve brought these handcuffs, but without the key, so I can’t go anywhere at all. Hands behind my back, just the way you like it, so you can do whatever you want. Tell me.. what do you want to do to me?
Kategorien: Nylons | Lack/Latex/Leder
Länge: 09:58
Video hochgeladen am: 25.01.2021

PA Strips For Law Fund